
Incase your wondering, this is a class blog relating to the struggles between males and female in modern day society. Males are viewed ad the dominating gender who has control of his surrounduings, and apparently has an easier time coasting through society without any issues. While women always have to work harder then men to achieve their goals even though they have the more "superior intelect." Well I happen to disagree. believe it or not but women have easier access to prodominatly male occupations. A great example is the construction trades. Although the majarity of union workers are male, women are preffered. Because Women are so scarse, union preffer to hire female trade workers rather than male because it allows them to level out the feild.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Post #15 - Reflections

1\ The funnest assignment to do in English 101.0800 with Ms. Bogacka had to be the ad research paper. The reason why I think this was the funnest report was because it allowed me to analize a picture and find the hidden message inside of the advertisement which helped me understand how society views men. and how men wnat to be viewed.

2\The second research paper were i actually learned as i wrote and looked up research for it. I halways had an idea that men were begining to soften up and become a little more maturnal but never had the evidence to back it up. since i wrote my second research paper, i now have proof that men are changing into more nurturing parents.

3\ the assignment i di not care for at all was the first eresearch paper. i honestly cant even remember what it was about. the whole looking up sources to support a magazine add was tiresome and it didnt intrest me at all.

4\i think blogger was an excelent addition to this class. it provided students with a new alrternative in contacting the teacher, and handing in work. if it wasnt for blogger, all the assignments would have had to be handed in and returned making it harder to ask for advide from other classmates or the teacher.

5\ one thing that was emphasized in this class was self critizism of your own work and looking for gramatical errors such as fragment sentence and subject verb agreement. i wouldnt liked this to have been some sort of game played out in class where teams would correct sentences, just so that it would be easier to make the connections since some people have to turn things into some sort of game or riddle in order to understand.