
Incase your wondering, this is a class blog relating to the struggles between males and female in modern day society. Males are viewed ad the dominating gender who has control of his surrounduings, and apparently has an easier time coasting through society without any issues. While women always have to work harder then men to achieve their goals even though they have the more "superior intelect." Well I happen to disagree. believe it or not but women have easier access to prodominatly male occupations. A great example is the construction trades. Although the majarity of union workers are male, women are preffered. Because Women are so scarse, union preffer to hire female trade workers rather than male because it allows them to level out the feild.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Theroux's Male Myth

In his writing, Theroux claims that sports and little league sports are the worst thing to introduce an adolescent to. I even though i disagree, I do understand his reasoning behind his thoughts. The reason i am posting this is because in class, I don't feel I gave a clear explanation.

So here it goes. the reason that Theroux says that little boys should not be introduced to sports is because that is where they get introduced into all their bad habits. there are always some kids who pick up bad habits at home with their parent, but it is in sport related incidents that the majority of young boys get it from. Sports helps a young boy become social, confident and social; everyone knows that. but what Theroux is trying to say is that sports also make kids angry, when they lose, hateful, when they blame other players for the lose, disrespectful, since they see their parents insulting other teams and players, terrible people to be around if not in the team/ player mentality.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Preliminary thesis: Tries to convey a nice tough/nice/ caring guy that is confident, cool and collected intellectual sophisticated masculinity. Basically a well rounded man.

I. The model gives a off an " I'm just a man. not the tough guy not the nice guy; just a guy"
A. He shows this though his facial expression.
1. The model shows off an relaxed intense stare as if he sees right trough you.
2. His lips are parted as if signing that he wants something that that just caught his eyes and made his jaw drop although hes keeping his composure
B. The analysis of this shows that masculinity is a guy who is confident and sophisticated who can defend himself .

II. The ocean water portrays sides of his personality.
A. The background water shows how he can be cool, calm and collected.
1. the water is a clear blue green color that translates to tranquility.
2. The water in front of him gives of the other side if his personality; The water in front of him is being disrupted my him and gives of a feeling of' if you try to hold me back ill just break through and keep on moving.
B. Shows that true masculinity is like the ocean; the perfect balance between easy going and destructive.

III. The model has an intermediate body position where he is not the leaner nor the rock.
A. He has his left hand out of the water about to reach forward as his lowered right shoulder is coming back up as if the is taking a step forward while fighting the resistance of the water.
1. intermediate position signifies that he is not only the rock who will push trough, but he can also just lay back and take it easy .
2. The dress shirt is soaked representing that he does not mind things that cling on to him, but unbuttoned in the front to signify that he also needs his space to be a man.
B. Shows that he is the type of man who can handle any type of situation.


Quick Write in response to Bordo's chapter: "Quick Write: Choose one of the three quotes from Susan Bordo’s “beauty (re)discovers the make body,” interpret it and show how it applies to..."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Male Privilage List

" If I buy a new car, chances are ill be offered a better price than a woman buying the same car. "
I completely disagree with this quote. the reason men get the better deals is because men dont walk into a dealership blindingly, not having done reaserch on how much the car should sell for and how much the dealers competing stores are willing to go. women just go in expecting to get a good deal even though most of the time it ends up being more than sticker price. While men go in having a set quote from another dealer, forcing the sales person to offer a better price or loose the customer along with the commision.

Marry Me!

Caniving Women:

Women are always trying to play the victim and control men.