
Incase your wondering, this is a class blog relating to the struggles between males and female in modern day society. Males are viewed ad the dominating gender who has control of his surrounduings, and apparently has an easier time coasting through society without any issues. While women always have to work harder then men to achieve their goals even though they have the more "superior intelect." Well I happen to disagree. believe it or not but women have easier access to prodominatly male occupations. A great example is the construction trades. Although the majarity of union workers are male, women are preffered. Because Women are so scarse, union preffer to hire female trade workers rather than male because it allows them to level out the feild.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Theroux's Male Myth

In his writing, Theroux claims that sports and little league sports are the worst thing to introduce an adolescent to. I even though i disagree, I do understand his reasoning behind his thoughts. The reason i am posting this is because in class, I don't feel I gave a clear explanation.

So here it goes. the reason that Theroux says that little boys should not be introduced to sports is because that is where they get introduced into all their bad habits. there are always some kids who pick up bad habits at home with their parent, but it is in sport related incidents that the majority of young boys get it from. Sports helps a young boy become social, confident and social; everyone knows that. but what Theroux is trying to say is that sports also make kids angry, when they lose, hateful, when they blame other players for the lose, disrespectful, since they see their parents insulting other teams and players, terrible people to be around if not in the team/ player mentality.

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