
Incase your wondering, this is a class blog relating to the struggles between males and female in modern day society. Males are viewed ad the dominating gender who has control of his surrounduings, and apparently has an easier time coasting through society without any issues. While women always have to work harder then men to achieve their goals even though they have the more "superior intelect." Well I happen to disagree. believe it or not but women have easier access to prodominatly male occupations. A great example is the construction trades. Although the majarity of union workers are male, women are preffered. Because Women are so scarse, union preffer to hire female trade workers rather than male because it allows them to level out the feild.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Annotated Bibiliography

Thesis : Fathers now are becoming more involved with raising their children.

1)a\ Fathering paradoxes, contradictions, and dilemmas has is one of the sources I am using to

support my idea. In the article, Scott Coltrane talks about how there is a difference between fathering and fatherhood. He also explains how fathers are viewed differently for being nurturing towards their children but explains that more and more fathers are becoming more “maternal” in the sense that they began taking a more productive role in raising infants and playing a more substantial part in their children’s lives.

b\ The reason that this soure is valuable is Coltane not only did a substantial amout of work

but he also is not biasis since he provides both the paradoxes and how it differs from reality.

c\ 1- This source ties into the others because all three mention a new form of masculinity. a more nurturing kind fathers who tends to his children. While stating that this form of fathering has always been existent, just that it was dorment.

2). a\ My second resource for this research project is “changing Men” and feminist politics in the united states, by Michael Messner. This sources talks about current masculinities. The one I am more focused on is called the New Man. It represents the new generations of fathers and how they behave.

b\ The reason I trust this source is because Messner also did profound research and not only talks about the New Man but also speaks about traditional masculinity .

c\ 1- Messner ties into the other sources because he brings up the idea of the New Man. A Father who puts is carrer on pause for his family. Messner also mentions how the New Father is the wave of the future.

3). a\ So my third source is Fatherhood and Social Change, by Ralph LaRossa. This article talks more about how fatherhood in the untided states has not turned into more maternal dads. Even though he tries to prove that fathers have not changed, he does show that fathers have changed. Eventhough it isn’t in lare numbers. \

b\ The reason this is a good source is because he did his research and trys to go against everything that others say about how fatherhood has changed, yet in some way proving that it has.

c\ LaRossa's piece fits in well with the rest of my report because it views the other side of things. LaRossa trys to claim that father hood has not changed as drastically as people believe. non the less, he also mentions a new from of father rearing his head into households and how slowly but shurly, fathering is chanching into a more intimate role.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fathering Paradoxes

"Fathering paradoxes contadictions and dilemas" by Scott coltrain speaks about how men and women are shifting roles in the households. The reason that the photograph of "future plan #2," is because in the photo, there are 2 pregnate men in the picture. this shows that the fathers are becoming to become more nerturing just as Coltrain said ""Although women have been the primary caretakers of young children in all cultures, fathers' participation in the children rearing has varied fronm virtually no direct involvement to active participation in all aspects of children routine care" (Coltrain 433). Both the picture are and the article show that fathers are now taking a more active role in raising children while the mother goes out and shows what it takes to support a family with their jobs.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Worst Date

The worst date i ever had was with this girls from my english class. We went out to eat at ihop. In class she seemed strong independent and funny, but did i have her wrong. she was rude, arrogent and demanding. she even got loud with the waitress because her pancakes didnt come with the strawberries that she wanted. well one thing i dont like are people that make seens in public for no reason. so the next day when she texted me asking me if we were gonna hang out again, i just didnt reply back. when she approched me in school i puposly left my fone with my friend and told her my dad smashed my phone.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Research Paper Proposal

Michael Corona
Second Research Paper Topic

For my second research paper i would like to talk about how fathers have changed from traditional masculinity into a modern masculinity of which pertains to fathers who tend to their children and participate in the rearing of their kids. the class article that i will be using in order to support my idea is "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas," by Scott Coltrane.

I plan in comparing traditional styles of masculinity and modern day fathering in order to show how fathers have changed over the years, and what was the cause for this change.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Draft

Michael Corona
Ms. Bogacka
English 101-0800
First Draft

Esquire is a magazine that is full of fashion advice, political commentary and smart editorials for successful men. That is why it is not difficult to see how Esquire magazines sell a certain type of image that they wish their male readers followed. In 2008, Esquire magazine was dedicated on getting their readers to portray a more successful, groomed man look in society.

In 2008, esquire magazine published various articles suggesting what men should do to become the “groomed” successful man they displayed in their magazine. In one of the various article published by Esquire in 2008, it states that “Nobody likes to shave every day. It’s time consuming and irritating but it’s what men do” (Cutler 47). The article then follows by claiming emphasizing that people who don’t shave everyday look scruffy and lazy, and follows up by explaining how to shave with a straight razor. This just proves that if Esquire is willing to publish an article which shuns the fuzz every man has and supports the annoying task that is shaving, that Esquire is claiming that if you are not clean shaved you are not a groomed, successful male, which takes away from ones masculinity.

But according to Esquire, there is an exception if you do wish to have a beard. According to “Mind the Beard,” an article in Esquire magazine, “Now things are different. People tend to have jobs and fewer diseases, and beards require more tailoring” (Martin 50). The article follows by showing a detailed illustration of how a well-kept beard should be in order for the man to not look stuck up, or raggedy. Even though the well-kept beard does not require a man to shave daily, he must still trim and do touch ups to his beard regularly. This article helps support the idea that Esquire magazine was trying to convey a groomed image towards their male readers in 2008.

Not only did Esquire magazine show, and tell you how to shave, but they also printed an article with all of the best grooming items for 2008. “The 2008 Grooming Award,” lists every item a man would need. The article spans from moisturizer, to body wash, to shaving cream and cologne. It explained in detail why each product was preferred over its competition and also showed men where to find it and how much it would cost. Showing how expensive or, inexpensive maintaining the groomed look can be.

Not only did Esquire want their readers to look groomed, but they also wanted their readers to “dress accordingly” (Casual Style 119). The article speaks about how casual has changed and gives ideas for a better looking casual look. It hints at what men should wear during certain activates as well as to what men should wear while hanging out. Showing a more sophisticated look since Oxford shirts were the go to guys when in doubt.

A recent study done by Men’s Health on men ages 18 through 59 shows that mens perspective on grooming has changed over the years. Of those surveyed “89% think that being well-groomed gives them a competitive edge. 67% think its more important for a man to look his best today than it was ten years ago” (Man 38).

In 2008, the ideal masculinity was a groomed, successful type of masculinity. This was seen through by the most popular male celeberties of 2008, which were “Zack Efron and Brad Pitt” (Easely). These men portray the groomed, successful look that Esquire magazine was also trying to convey for the year of 2008. Every man envied these celebrities because they achieved the ideal masculine look of the 2008.

Work Cited Page:

• Martin, Peter. “Mind the Beard Line”. Esquire. Esquire May. 2008. Vol 149. Issue 5.General One File. Pg 50. Web. 24 Oct. 2010

• Cutler, Rodney. “Shaving Everyday”. Esquire. Esquire, Feb. 2008. Vol 149. Issue 2.General One File. Pg 47. Web. 20 Oct. 2010

• The (new) Laws of Casual Style.”. Esquire. Esquire, Mar. 2008. Vol 149. Issue 3.General One File. Pgs. 118-128. Web. 20 Oct. 2010

• Cutler, Rodney. “The 2008 Grooming Awards.” Esquire. Esquire, Nov. 2008. Vol 150. Issue 5. General One File. Pgs. 67-72. Web. 20 Oct. 2010

• Easley, Tabitha. “The 6 Most Popular Male Celebrities of 2008.” 18 Dec. 2008. Associated Content. Web. 20 Oct. 2010

• “Man vs. Man.” Advertising Age. EbscoHost.com. 13 June. 2005. Vol. 76. Iss.24. Pg. 2-42. Web. 20 Oct. 2010

• “Esquire.” Magazines.com Web. 20 Oct. 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog post # 8

1) In the movie Wedding Crashers, the main male characters behave as enthusiastic comedians who are outgoing, athletic and competitive towards other males in the film. Towards the female characters they behave differently. they show characteristics of heroism, sensitivity, humble, vulnerable men who have been emotionally scared, are sympathetic and child friendly, and are looking for commitment.
I do consider the main male characters masculine because they are able to be the macho men who can hang with the guys, while at the same time they can get along with women and are able to communicate with females easily.

2) the movie places more emphasis on the relation between males and females because it shows how males and females are more alike then everyone thinks. The movie has a male and a female who are only looking to have "fun" on one side, and on the other it shows two people who are searching for love.
The movie does have similarities with David Grazians' "the girl hunt" because like Grazians suggests, male go out looking for women in pacts which is exactly what the main characters do. Grazans also suggests that males pick out their targets, which the main characters did but also that their friend is used as a buffer for when things get occurred or crazy which was what Vince Vaughn character was trying get Owen Wilson character to do.

3) Well the ultimate idea of masculinity in the Wedding Crashers would have to be honesty. in the movie, honesty was what got the character to get the girl, which Intel proves that the most masculine thing is honesty.

Wedding Crashers. Dir. David Dobkin. Perf. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. New Line Cinema., 2005.