
Incase your wondering, this is a class blog relating to the struggles between males and female in modern day society. Males are viewed ad the dominating gender who has control of his surrounduings, and apparently has an easier time coasting through society without any issues. While women always have to work harder then men to achieve their goals even though they have the more "superior intelect." Well I happen to disagree. believe it or not but women have easier access to prodominatly male occupations. A great example is the construction trades. Although the majarity of union workers are male, women are preffered. Because Women are so scarse, union preffer to hire female trade workers rather than male because it allows them to level out the feild.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Annotated Bibiliography

Thesis : Fathers now are becoming more involved with raising their children.

1)a\ Fathering paradoxes, contradictions, and dilemmas has is one of the sources I am using to

support my idea. In the article, Scott Coltrane talks about how there is a difference between fathering and fatherhood. He also explains how fathers are viewed differently for being nurturing towards their children but explains that more and more fathers are becoming more “maternal” in the sense that they began taking a more productive role in raising infants and playing a more substantial part in their children’s lives.

b\ The reason that this soure is valuable is Coltane not only did a substantial amout of work

but he also is not biasis since he provides both the paradoxes and how it differs from reality.

c\ 1- This source ties into the others because all three mention a new form of masculinity. a more nurturing kind fathers who tends to his children. While stating that this form of fathering has always been existent, just that it was dorment.

2). a\ My second resource for this research project is “changing Men” and feminist politics in the united states, by Michael Messner. This sources talks about current masculinities. The one I am more focused on is called the New Man. It represents the new generations of fathers and how they behave.

b\ The reason I trust this source is because Messner also did profound research and not only talks about the New Man but also speaks about traditional masculinity .

c\ 1- Messner ties into the other sources because he brings up the idea of the New Man. A Father who puts is carrer on pause for his family. Messner also mentions how the New Father is the wave of the future.

3). a\ So my third source is Fatherhood and Social Change, by Ralph LaRossa. This article talks more about how fatherhood in the untided states has not turned into more maternal dads. Even though he tries to prove that fathers have not changed, he does show that fathers have changed. Eventhough it isn’t in lare numbers. \

b\ The reason this is a good source is because he did his research and trys to go against everything that others say about how fatherhood has changed, yet in some way proving that it has.

c\ LaRossa's piece fits in well with the rest of my report because it views the other side of things. LaRossa trys to claim that father hood has not changed as drastically as people believe. non the less, he also mentions a new from of father rearing his head into households and how slowly but shurly, fathering is chanching into a more intimate role.


  1. Ross' book is a great source but what is your second source. The class reading, and we reviewed this in class on Monday, Nov. 22, in your case Coltrane's article does not count as one of the two sources you were asked to find. Please review the guidelines of the annotated bibliography; you need a thesis( this needs to illustrate whether you agree or disagree with what Coltrane is saying about fathers/fatherhood in his article, and why you agree or disagree. Then you need to compose a MLA documentation for each of the two sources you found to support your thesis, as well as a summary, assessment and reflection for each.

  2. Where are the documentations? clear summary for each? clear assessment for each? clear relfection for each?
