
Incase your wondering, this is a class blog relating to the struggles between males and female in modern day society. Males are viewed ad the dominating gender who has control of his surrounduings, and apparently has an easier time coasting through society without any issues. While women always have to work harder then men to achieve their goals even though they have the more "superior intelect." Well I happen to disagree. believe it or not but women have easier access to prodominatly male occupations. A great example is the construction trades. Although the majarity of union workers are male, women are preffered. Because Women are so scarse, union preffer to hire female trade workers rather than male because it allows them to level out the feild.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog post # 8

1) In the movie Wedding Crashers, the main male characters behave as enthusiastic comedians who are outgoing, athletic and competitive towards other males in the film. Towards the female characters they behave differently. they show characteristics of heroism, sensitivity, humble, vulnerable men who have been emotionally scared, are sympathetic and child friendly, and are looking for commitment.
I do consider the main male characters masculine because they are able to be the macho men who can hang with the guys, while at the same time they can get along with women and are able to communicate with females easily.

2) the movie places more emphasis on the relation between males and females because it shows how males and females are more alike then everyone thinks. The movie has a male and a female who are only looking to have "fun" on one side, and on the other it shows two people who are searching for love.
The movie does have similarities with David Grazians' "the girl hunt" because like Grazians suggests, male go out looking for women in pacts which is exactly what the main characters do. Grazans also suggests that males pick out their targets, which the main characters did but also that their friend is used as a buffer for when things get occurred or crazy which was what Vince Vaughn character was trying get Owen Wilson character to do.

3) Well the ultimate idea of masculinity in the Wedding Crashers would have to be honesty. in the movie, honesty was what got the character to get the girl, which Intel proves that the most masculine thing is honesty.

Wedding Crashers. Dir. David Dobkin. Perf. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. New Line Cinema., 2005.

1 comment:

  1. Good job with the Work Cited entry for the film.
    I really like your answer to the first question and this is something you should develop you reflection paragraph on.
    It is interesting how you describe men to have two different personalities, one they show to other men and the other reserved for women. This counters the argument Theroux makes about men being unable or lacking the knowledge about how to communicate with women. But is that all an act or do all men have two sides to their masculinity? And does this mean they aren't truly themselves all the time?
